News Release

March 25, 2015

Consumers Union Announces Launch of Healthcare Value Hub to Address Healthcare Cost and Quality Issues

New Resource Center Will Launch at a March 27 Event in Washington, DC 

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Consumers Union, the advocacy arm of Consumer Reports, has announced the launch of the Healthcare Value Hub, a networking and resource center for advocates working for lower costs and better value in healthcare.

Funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Healthcare Value Hub will support and connect consumer advocates across the U.S., providing comprehensive, research-based information and tools to help them advocate for policies that reduce healthcare costs and increase quality. The Hub will offer both online and offline support, with a staff dedicated to monitoring, translating and disseminating research evidence as well as providing hands-on support to advocates.

“Rising healthcare costs are an issue that consumers care deeply about. They’re worried about affording care when they need it and they’re frustrated that policymakers haven’t taken on this issue in a more systematic way” said Chris Meyer, Consumers Union’s Vice President for Advocacy. “The Healthcare Value Hub will further CU’s mission of keeping consumers safe in the marketplace by amplifying the consumer voice and providing evidence based information in policy discussions”

“The Healthcare Value Hub will be an important source of information on proven strategies to control costs and improve the value of the money we spend on healthcare,” said David Adler, RWJF program officer. “The Hub’s mission builds on RWJF’s overall goal of expanding health coverage, reducing costs and creating a culture of health to enable all to live longer, healthier lives,”

 The Healthcare Value Hub will officially launch at a March 27, 2015, event at the Pew Charitable Trusts, 901 E St., N.W., Washington, D.C.  The event will feature a keynote by Elisabeth Rosenthal, New York Times reporter and author of the award-wining series, Paying Till It Hurts, Chris Meyer of Consumers Union, David Adler of RWJF and Hub Director Lynn Quincy.



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Funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Healthcare Value Hub is a networking and resource center for advocates working for lower costs and better value in healthcare. The Healthcare Value Hub is part of Consumers Union, the policy and advocacy arm of Consumer Reports.