
The Healthcare Value Hub supports our core audience—consumer advocates across the U.S.—by providing them with free, hands-on support and technical assistance and maintaining a dedicated web-based repository of informational products. Core to this work is the belief that a supported and connected group of consumer advocates, armed with comprehensive, fact-based information, can be a major catalyst for change on healthcare value issues. 

This page provides a comprehensive listing of our resources by type and topic. Information on various ways to connect with us can be found below.

Hub Resources

How Can We Help You?

  • Find an ExpertContact Hub staff for help connecting to a subject matter expert.
  • Mailing Lists: Sign up for our mailing lists to be notified about upcoming Hub events, new publications and/or subscribe to our monthly State News Roundup newsletter.
  • Hub AlertsSign up to be notified when we update our site about specific topics or state news.