Spectrum Health's Center for Integrative Medicine




Spectrum Health's Center for Integrative Medicine (CIM) is an integrated, multidisciplinary clinic that serves individuals with high ED utilization, defined as 10 or more emergency department (ED) visits in two of the past three years. The CIM has multiple teams to treat complex patients, including an intake team, a pain and addiction team and a complex medical team. Treatment starts with an intensive, 4-hour intake appointment to assess an individual's needs and create a care plan. Care plans may include services such as mindfulness meditation to help manage chronic pain, addiction treatment, care for chronic or complex medical conditions, mental health services and housing assistance. The clinic also offers a special program for pregnant women. Spectrum has received training from the Camden Coalition (see: Camden Coalition, NJ).

Partner Organizations

  • Spectrum Health
  • Network 180 (Kent County community mental health authority)

Target Population

Patients with 10+ ED visits in two of the past three years

Care Team

  • Intake team: physician, social worker, medical assistant
  • Pain and addiction team: physicians' assistant, social worker
  • Complex medical team: physicians' assistant, social worker


2011 - present 

Results/ Studies



Spectrum Health and Network 180


Program description