



Consumer-Focused Health System Transformation: What are the Policy Priorities?

Webinar Resources


March 22, 2019
2:00 - 3:00 p.m. ET


The U.S. healthcare system is transforming in response to many types of pressures. To ensure these changes benefit the people the system is intended to serve, policymakers, funders, advocates, and others need actionable information from which to guide improvement efforts. Moreover, it is imperative that we are systematic and evidence-based in our approach.

This webinar featured a new overarching policy compendium, or roadmap, designed to serve that purpose. The roadmap is the result of extensive literature reviews and key informant interviews with a wide range of experts. The information is designed to be highly actionable, with a tool kit designed to help a wide range of stakeholders use the information. The webinar featured leaders with novel ideas for how to enact these policies.


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