



Webinar Resources

Plan and Provider Consolidation:
Better Coordination or Price Gouging?

Consolidations are increasing the market power of hospitals, physicians and insurers in ways that may ultimately act as a major cost driver in the U.S. healthcare system. The industry claims consolidation leads to better care coordination, health outcomes, innovation and cost savings through efficiencies, but does the research suggest the same?

This Hub webinar provided an in-depth discussion on plan and provider consolidation, the impact on consumers and resources available to advocates to prevent or mitigate the negative effects of consolidation.


Leemore Dafny (Slides)
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University

Dena Mendelsohn (Slides)
Consumers Union

Lynn Quincy
Healthcare Value Hub (Moderator)

Chapin White (Slides) (Chapin's reading list on provider consolidation)


A recording of this webinar is available here.



Aetna-Humana, Anthem-Cigna Proposed Mergers

Assessing Consolidation in Your State

  • Health Marketplace Index, Healthcare Cost Institute and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. This tool utilizes several metrics, including HHI scores, prices and utilization records to score the economic performance of a number of healthcare markets.
  • Kaiser Family Foundation tool to view health plan concentration in your state
