



Ohio Consumer Healthcare Experience State Survey

Nationally, consumer worry about healthcare affordability is well documented but now—for the first time—a new survey reveal show affordability concerns and ideas for action play out in Ohio.

A survey of 982 adults, conducted from March 21 to March 28, 2019, found that:

  • More than half (53%) experienced healthcare affordability burdens in the past year;
  • More than three-quarters (78%) were worried about affording healthcare in the future; and
  • Across party lines, Ohioans expressed strong support for government-led solutions.
  • One in three privately-insured Ohio adults received a surprise medical bill.
  • More than half of all survey respondents reported being either "worried" or "very worried" about affording the cost of prescription drugs.

Altarum’s Consumer Healthcare Experience State Survey (CHESS) is designed to elicit respondents’ unbiased views on a wide range of health system issues, including confidence using the health system, financial burden and views on fixes that might be needed.

2024 Data Briefs

2019 Data Briefs

Policy Brief: Four Critical Steps to Address Ohio Residents' Healthcare Affordability Concerns